6 foods that still contain trans fat

6 foods that still contain trans fat

6 foods that contain trans fat

How well do you know trans fats? Of course, many people have heard that it's not very good for the body. What's worse is that The United States Food and Drug Administration officially announced in 2015 that trans fats are harmful to health. And banned from various food components In the next three years But let's take a look at some foods that are difficult to avoid trans fats. There are some things that need to be avoided or considered special.

Fast food

Fast Food Fried Chicken French Fries Trans Fat

Fast food restaurants often use oil that contains trans fats. Because it's cheap and can keep for a long time This bad fat will float in the frying pan and be used repeatedly.

Popcorn microwave

Some brands put trans fat in the microwave popcorn to stay longer. This type of oil has a high melting point. Therefore can be maintained for a long time when used with a microwave Which is good for the product but not good for health


From donuts to cookies, cakes, muffins and pies, baking is a good way to cook. But sometimes also has trans fat Because sometimes manufacturers use hydrogenated vegetable oils to preserve the flavor and texture of the dessert. Therefore need to buy from stores that do not use trans fat especially

Coffee creamer

The creamer that we add to the concentration of coffee may be followed by trans fat. Because it is necessary to use hydrogenated oil so that it can be stored for a long time

Frozen pizza

Convenient and easy to eat. Frozen pizza is therefore one of many people's choice in a rush meal. But you should think carefully before baking the next pizza like the top Production companies choose to use hydrogenated oils for flavor enhancing properties and add texture to their food.


Eating too much sugar is not the only thing that should be concerned when we bring too many desserts into the mouth. Hydrogenated vegetable oils may also be hidden in the components of your favorite candies or candies. Therefore should be careful

See that trans fats are hidden in a wide variety of foods. Before buying, eat carefully. Choose the brand that guarantees that no trans fat is the best ingredient.
