Work-life balance: 12 tips

Work-life balance: 12 tips

Five minutes pass quickly, nothing shakes it over. It can take five minutes to ask why you still have to make several calls, plan your birthday party, and promise your neighbor to feed your cat. At the same time you can also call the boss and decide to arrange the appointment appointment tomorrow. For birthday planning, it is enough to now get an appointment and send out invitations. And sometimes the kids can take care of the cat. These may be the first steps in a work-life balance.

Time management as an important factor

Effective time management means separating the important from the indifferent, splitting up large tasks into smaller sections, and, if possible, delegating tasks to others, meaning delegating tasks. Looking at the to-do list is not always easy. But once you have tried this method, many points can be ticked off in no time at all.

By systematically and disciplinarily planning the time and focusing on the essential, one can find important lessons for oneself and one's family. You can actually save time by focusing completely on your work and avoiding interruptions (so be sure to close the door and turn off the phone).

Unpleasant work at first

No matter what activities, whether the phone calls with the old girlfriend or cleaning the apartment, you should always set a time limit before this complies. Even unpleasant tasks should always be done immediately.

Don't dismiss them, they pile up instead and still have the unpleasant thought in mind, that you still cancel the theater night with the mother and the girlfriend must confess the red wine stain to the borrowed clothing. Call immediately and carry it behind you. Not only will your conscience be relieved, you will also have yourself free for other things.

12 tips for a work-life balance

Stress is completely normal. As long as it lasts only for short periods, for example in an emergency or an exceptionally busy working day. After that, however, recovery must follow, which you should consciously take. Constant stress, however, makes you sick and leads to physical and emotional fatigue.
Keep order. Tidying up the apartment daily for five minutes is easier than standing in front of the complete mess over the weekend. A clean, empty office helps to work more efficiently and with focus.
Take regular breaks in the fresh air. Open the window several times for five minutes, look at nature and take a deep breath. Take a walk at night instead of snapping instant noodles in front of the PC.
Eat consciously and without stress. A good conversation by the way seems more relaxing than watching TV or reading a newspaper.
Even if it's hard after a hard day: move on. A light endurance after work clears the head, relieves tension and releases hormones of happiness.
Make an appointment with yourself to do the things you love (for example, read a good book, take a relaxing bath or look at old photos).
Don't neglect your friends. Instead of postponing evening cocktails due to lack of time and fatigue, make an appointment between 8 pm and 10 pm from the start. So you come home early and still had a nice evening.
Divide your life into four areas: work, body / health, contact, purpose / self-realization. Schedule weekly how much time you want to devote to each area and keep it that way.
Delegate. Trust your cooking partner. Have the children help at home. Anyone who wants to do everything himself, for fear that others might do it, only cuts himself in his own body.
Find a new job. If only the job determines her life and she gets exhausted from bed every night, you are considering a change of job. If you are satisfied with your employer, you could also negotiate another position where you have less responsibility but more quality of life.
Think about the current situation from time to time in reorienting your life.
With an easier smile.
