Exercise for health

Exercise for health

Why can't I exercise?

Prevention and strengthening health It is the best method for health care because it is the most effective and economical. Good health is good both physically and mentally.

Currently, the cause of death among people in developed countries Changed from an infectious disease Is a disease that is not infected And from human behavior such as smoking, drinking, drugs, inappropriate sex, etc., we all have to be old, hurt and die. Everyone, but nowadays, we can prevent many diseases, therefore we should be of good quality. And should not die from preventable diseases

Various diseases and causes that cause Thai people to die

1. Currently, the top 3 diseases causing the death of Thai people per 100,000 people are
- Cardiovascular disease
- accidents and toxic substances
- Cancer

2. The most common diseases in the elderly are paralysis, diabetes, high blood pressure. Hyperlipidemia, obesity, dementia, falls and broken bones, etc.

3. In the health of women, especially after menopause Osteoporosis (osteoporosis) and broken bones

4. Around 40% of people will have back pain.

5. Healthy people all over the page The nation can save on public health costs. Which will lead to other areas of development These diseases or causes of death can be prevented. Or can be reduced more or less With exercise, diet and proper behavior

What are the benefits of exercise?

1. Prevent coronary artery disease. Heart function is greatly improved. If exercising properly for 3 months regularly, the pulse or heart will be slower. Which will save the work of the heart
2. Reduce blood fat Which, if high, will be one of the causes of coronary artery disease
3. Increase HDL-C in the blood, the higher the better. Will help prevent coronary artery disease
4. Lose weight (fat), increase muscle (Cause the weight may not decrease)
5. Prevention and treatment of diabetes
6. Helps reduce blood pressure, if high, can reduce by 10-15 mm Hg.
7. Helps the heart, lungs, circulatory systems of the muscles, ligaments, joints, bones, skin become stronger. Helps reduce stress Improves sleep, improves memory, improves sexual performance Helps to increase confidence in yourself.
8. Preventing brittle bones Especially for women whose periods are expired
9. Helps the body bring fat into energy better than before. Which is saving the use of starch (glycogen) which is low And is a prevention of heart disease
10. Helps to prevent certain types of cancer such as colon, breast, prostate
11. Generate good health. Save money for treatment Reduce time to stop work due to illness Make people wealth Stable nation
12. If people across the country exercise, will be the basis of leading to sport excellence

Exercise for health

Aerobic exercise is considered to be a healthy exercise which means mild exercise. Requires oxygen Requires a large group of muscles (such as legs or arms) continuously, long enough, heavy enough, often enough, aerobic exercise will strengthen the heart, lungs and circulatory system Which is the way to exercise for health such as walking, running, swimming, biking, rope jumping, aerobics etc.

This type of exercise Often use both flour And fat is energy, should exercise aerobic all the time for health When staying, then may play other sports as well For entertainment or society But do not stop aerobic exercise (Should be done on a different day) such as aerobic exercise 3 times a week, tennis 3 times a week, golfing 1 time, etc.

Not that exercise Or playing any sport will be good for the heart And blood vessels always Playing tennis every day alone can still die. Because tennis is not an aerobic exercise because it will run, stop, not run all the time. Being in a hurry and running up quickly may cause the body to get back. Cathecholamines immediately come out, causing the heart to beat irregularly. May be fatal

The good effect of aerobic exercise on the work of the heart.

Strengthens the heart, blood vessels and lungs. Causing constricted blood vessels to disappear Or if not healed, the body will create new blood vessels (bypass) causing death until beating slowly Which will save the work of the heart Makes the body have more reserve power In case of emergency. Add HDL-C in the blood to prevent osteoporosis. Causes the body to use fat better than those who do not exercise Which, in addition to helping to reduce obesity, is also beneficial for athletes. Because the body has limited starch As for fat

Who should exercise

In fact, people of all ages and ages should exercise regularly. It's never too late for exercise. Regardless of age But the faster it starts, the better

Correct exercise methods with 5 steps

1. There should be a stretch before
2. There should be warm up (Warm up) for about 5 minutes.
3. Exercise vigorously pulse for 20 minutes
4. There should be a cool down for 5 minutes.
5. Should have to stretch again before stopping.

How long should exercise

Normally, exercise should be continued for at least 20 minutes. (But if walking, must walk fast for 40 minutes). Exercise for health is not necessary to do more.

How often should exercise

Should exercise 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time but should not be taken more than 6 times to make 1 day a rest day

How hard should exercise?

In each exercise If it will benefit the heart And the lungs must exercise so that the heart (or pulse) beats between 60-80% of the maximum capacity that that person's heart can beat.

The maximum formula for which the heart can beat = 220 - Age in years

For example, people aged 50 years have the highest ability that the heart can beat: 220-50 = 170 beats per minute.

Therefore, for people aged 50 years should exercise so that the pulse beats only between 60-80% of 170 times per minute, that is to say between 10-2136 times per minute.

But if you have never exercised before, you may need to do it gradually. It may take 2-3 months before you exercise. Pulse can beat up to 60% of the maximum capacity the heart can beat. But in practice Chirachon temple while exercising Without the tools to help measure it will be difficult for the general public. Therefore there is no need to measure the pulse But exercising makes him feel a bit tired When you sweat Or can still talk during exercise If you really want to measure, you might be able to ride a stationary bike because most bikes have pulse meters.

Is exercise a penalty?

Exercise may be harmful If exercising is not correct The dangers of exercise can be caused by many reasons such as

1. Exercise that is not suitable for age, for example, the elderly may use the fastest way to walk instead of squash, tennis, badminton, because tennis is a type of exercise that runs and stops. Not continuous enough to be beneficial to the lungs And the heart, but still better than not exercising at all Just not able to prevent coronary artery disease, as much as continuous aerobic exercise

2. Exercise at the wrong time, such as when it is too hot may not be comfortable. Newly finished eating may have heart disease. Because after eating new food, the body needs a lot of blood to the stomach and intestines But if going to exercise The body also needs a lot of blood to the muscles. (Including the stomach And intestines as well), therefore may cause the blood to nourish the heart is too little Can cause symptoms or diseases of the heart

3. Uncomfortable exercise When diarrhea should not exercise Because the body may be dehydrated Or minerals can cause fatigue, fainting, cramping or heart disease. When having fever, should not exercise Because it may cause myocarditis Or pericarditis If you are not comfortable with any symptoms, even if you do not know what diseases Should exclude exercise first

4. Exercise without warming up or stretching first. Usually, regardless of what level of athlete Young or elderly Before exercise, there must be steps that must be performed every time without exception Especially those who are elderly or those who rarely exercise Which the warm-up Or stretch before Will help to exercise Or play sports better And will reduce the risk of injury And helps to relieve fatigue faster after exercising Even if you do not exercise on any one day, you should stretch the line every day.

5. If improper use of sports equipment, such as tennis racket shoes, may be more easily injured.

6. If exercising too much To increase the risk of injury must be done exactly as if to run for health. Run for 20 minutes is not enough to run up to 60 minutes at a time. If you want to prevent injury, if possible, should change the method of exercise. Aerobics every day, such as swimming one day, running one day, riding a bicycle, staying one day, walking one day, etc. If knee pain should change to swimming instead Or biking

Source: Warner-Lambert (Thailand) Ltd. Document

All of you may be aware of the benefits of exercise. And that will have good results in both physical and mental health. Here I would like to explain how to exercise for health, which means exercising or practicing for the various parts of the body to work more. By means of methods or conventions Of exercise Or playing that sport This must take into consideration the suitability of gender, age and physical condition of each person.

The nature of exercise for health Which most people accept are 2 types which are compulsory and composite

- Mandatory characteristics
Namely 1 suitable for physical condition 2. able to control heaviness by oneself 3. have patience training for the heart system And the flow of blood. 4. Able to perform regularly. 5. There is a small risk of danger.

- For the characteristics including

Easy to follow, no complicated rules or techniques
Have fun Not serious and
Not waste too much money and time

Therefore, exercise for health is not a complicated thing that anyone can do. From the aforementioned characteristics, it can be seen that simple exercise activities such as walking, running, dancing, jumping rope, or stepping onto a low foot rest All of which are exercise for health that everyone can hardly deny that it is impossible. It is important that the individual's intention is only to see the importance of exercise for health or not?
