8 Good Habits for Family Health - Expert Advice

8 Good Habits for Family Health - Expert Advice

Psychologists are not advised to dramatically change their lifestyle, even for the better. Instead, small incremental shifts should be brought to it step by step to make yourself and your family healthier.

Eight useful family habits and traditions that should be shared by all have been named by Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation experts, The Huffington Post reports.

1. Play with your children outside

One of the best and proven ways to be physically fit - at any age - is to move. But nowadays, so much fun is happening on screens that parents need to try to get their kids to put off their devices and go for a walk. An example here is extremely important.

It's great when the whole family goes out to the beach, goes for a walk, or bikes. Not only is this good health good, but it also helps to strengthen family ties.

2. Have time free from gadgets

"There should be a time during the day when the whole family is together and all the equipment is banned. No iPads, no iPods, no phones, text messages, tweets - nothing," advises a family doctor and associate professor at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine at Stetford by Jennifer Cowl.

She recommends that everyone in the family make rules about when and when everyone, without exception, should look away from screens, such as at a desk, in the bedroom, or while doing their homework. For example, the family of Cowl has a special place where all the family members at night take their devices to charge, so no one is tempted to look at Facebook while lying in bed.

3. Cooking together, having fun

Involving children in the process of cooking, we have a great opportunity to instill in them healthy eating habits, says Coadle. It is best for the child to participate in all stages, from the selection of groceries.

"It is the role of parents, as role models, to find a way to make healthy eating fun rather than routine," stresses the doctor.

4. Make healthy habits a part of everyday life

For some useful work to become a useful habit, it is necessary that it becomes a permanent part of your schedule. Mark the day on your calendar for kids to cook dinner for, what days you will be cycling in the park, and when you will be playing basketball with your whole family.

"The idea is that these things are not disposable. Put them on your calendar and they will become a part of everyday life," Coadle says.

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"Studies show that healthier people have about the same regimen daily. A healthy family should include good hydration, physical activity, and healthy eating," says psychologist Rachel Goldman.

5. Have the right snacks on hand

If your family members are crying out, "There's nothing to eat!" When looking into a clogged fridge, think of simple and healthy snacks that will just give a hand to someone who has come home exhausted from work or school.

According to nutritionist Rima Kleiner, these may be vegetables and hummus, carrots, celery or apples that will stand in a bowl on the table for all to see.

6. Communicate

The family should eat together - this is the advice of all professionals. This is not only a quality time, but also an opportunity to discuss what happened in everyone's life on this day.

Psychological state, sleep, experiences at school and interaction with others are all very interconnected, and if a child is disturbed or depressed, it will inevitably affect his or her well-being.

7. "Switch" at bedtime

Everyone, including parents, must switch to rest mode before going to bed. It can be an hour of reading or some game (but not on the tablet). This is how we tune our body into a good night's rest and we get more alert in the morning.

8. Make physical activity fun

The habit of moving should remain with a person for life, and what should one do when the same walks or cycling get tired? Tip from mom and former Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller: "Try something different!"

It can be yoga, jogging or interval training, you need to find what you like.

As a reminder, when sports come into your life, the effect does not have to be immediately noticeable. Don't give up! Just make sure you do everything right.
